A journey through the NHS from the perspective of one stroke patient
Meet Chris. He lives with his wife Meena and their friendly – but very noisy – dog. Chris doesn’t like to cause a fuss, but this morning, he has been feeling … not quite right. And Meena thinks it’s time he got some professional help.
Follow Chris as he navigates the NHS while experiencing a serious health problem. Along the way, he’ll run into systems and processes that are meant to diagnose, treat and keep him safe. But as you’ll see, they aren’t always supported by the best evidence.
Watch the interactive video
Get more from this resource
Not Quite Right was first performed at THIS Institute’s launch event in January 2018, and then as a series of interactive workshops with NHS staff, patients, and carers across the UK. We've produced some resources so you can get more insight into the project. We hope they will also be useful for anyone wishing to run their own forum theatre workshop.
NEW Facilitator's guide for the interactive video
Our new facilitator’s guide provides a handy six-step process to using the Not Quite Right video. It summarises each scene and suggests topics, questions, and discussion points to explore with your group.
Full script - Mental health
This version of the script was developed with The McPin Foundation, who helped adapt the play and extend the story to include two dimensions – stroke care and mental health support.
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Not Quite Right was created by THIS Institute in partnership Menagerie Theatre Company and with funding from a Wellcome Trust Public Engagement Award. It was developed in consultation with clinicians, carers, patients, and researchers to ensure its relevance and clinical and scientific accuracy.
The video, script, and resources on this page are made available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International Licence. It means that you're free to reuse this work. In fact, we encourage it.
We just ask that you acknowledge The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute (THIS Institute) as the creator, you don't distribute a modified version without our permission, and you don't sell it or use it for any activity that generates any revenue without our permission.
Ultimately, we want our work to have impact. So if you've got a use in mind but you're not sure it's allowed, just ask us at enquiries@thisinstitute.cam.ac.uk.